
Chinese Language Teachers` Federation of Australia


The Chinese Language Teachers` Federation of Australia (Inc.) is the national body of teachers of Chinese throughout Australia. It was set up in 1994 by the three local organisations then existing: the Chinese Language Teachers` Association of Victoria, the Chinese Language Teachers` Association of South Australia and the Chinese Language Teachers` Association of Western Australia (Inc). It has since been joined by the Chinese Language Teachers` Association of Queensland, the Chinese Language Teachers` Association of NSW (Inc.), the Canberra Chinese Language Teachers` Society and the Chinese Language Curriculum Studies Association of South Australia. The Federation was incorporated in Western Australia in 1999. It has observer status with the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers` Associations (AFMLTA).

Our purpose was set out by the 1997 Adelaide Conference It does this mainly through the production of a newsletter, The Australian Chinese Teacher, published three times a year, and through the holding of annual conferences of Chinese teachers. The 2008 Conference on July 12 and 13, will be held in Canberra ACT. The National Hanyuqiao Speech Competition sponsored by the Australia-China Council and organised by the CLTFA will be held on July 11.

All financial members of the constituent associations of the CLTFA are automatically members of the Federation with the right to stand for and hold office. Teachers in Tasmania and the Northern Territory can join as indvidual members or by joining an appropriate state/territory affiliate. Individual membership can be effected by contacting the National Secretary.

In accordance with its Constitution, the CLTFA is run by a Council which meets annually during the national conference of Chinese teachers. It consists of the President, two Vice-presidents, Secretary and Treasurer and representatives (usually the president) of any affiliates not already represented among the officers. Between meetings of the Council the affairs are in the hands of the executive officers.