


JiaHwa - Information resounrce for Chinese in Canada, include Business Directory, Dating Online, Immigration, Children, Immigration Forum, Travel Partner, Toronto Classifieds, Vancouver Classifieds, Hamilton Classifieds, Edmonton Classifieds, Calgary Classifieds and Chat Room. Immigrant Forum and Regional Classifieds. You can post whatever ads here as you like, for sale, goods wanted, renting, party announcements are all welcome. There are 4 regional classifieds boards available at the present time, including Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver. We will launch new boards to cover other areas upon request. Immigrant Forum serves as a home for immigrants, old or new, to exchange information, share experience, and offer help to each other.

If you are in the process of preparing or applying for immigration to Canada, and you have some questions or need help, please visit our Immigration section or Forums section, you may find answers there. You can also post your questions on our Immigrations` Forum. Since we have to deal with a large amount of business emails, we are sorry that we can not answer such questions by email. There are many old and new immigrants visit our Forum every day, they will be happy to help you, and our forum moderator is always attending the forum to offer help.