Distance between San Francisco International Airport and Charles de Gaulle International Airport
- The distance between [1]San Francisco International Airport and [2]Charles de Gaulle International Airport is 8961.779 Kilometers or 5568.591 Miles.
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Airport[1] San Francisco International AirportIATA Airport Code: SFO
ICAO Airport Code: KSFO
North America -> United States -> San Francisco
Large Airport
Latitude: 37.61899948
Longitude: -122.375
Elevation: 13
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport is 10390.69 Kilometers or 6456.47 Miles.
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport is 4341.03 Kilometers or 2697.39 Miles.
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and Tokyo Haneda International Airport is 8285.47 Kilometers or 5148.35 Miles.
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and Charlotte Douglas International Airport is 3686.79 Kilometers or 2290.87 Miles.
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and Zürich Airport is 9375.26 Kilometers or 5825.52 Miles.
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and Seattle Tacoma International Airport is 1093.01 Kilometers or 679.16 Miles.
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and London Heathrow Airport is 8615.58 Kilometers or 5353.48 Miles.
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and George Bush Intercontinental Houston Airport is 2627.06 Kilometers or 1632.38 Miles.
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and Shanghai Pudong International Airport is 9876.94 Kilometers or 6137.25 Miles.
- The distance between San Francisco International Airport and Beijing Capital International Airport is 9493.61 Kilometers or 5899.06 Miles.
The airport distance calculator is provided for informational purposes only. The calculations are approximate in nature and may differ a little from the distances as given in the official forecasts and advisories.
A geographic coordinate system is a coordinate system that enables every location on the Earth to be specified by a set of numbers and/or letters. The coordinates are often chosen such that one of the numbers represents vertical position, and two or three of the numbers represent horizontal position. A common choice of coordinates is latitude, longitude and elevation.
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