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    Freelancer.sg is the world's largest freelancing, outsourcing, and crowdsourcing marketplace for small business. With over 11 million users, you can hire a freelancer to do your contract work at a fraction of the cost. Whether you need PHP developers, web designers, or content writers, you can outsource jobs within minutes. Browse through hundreds of skills including copywriting, data entry, and graphic design or more technical areas like coding HTML, programming MySQL, and designing CSS. Are you an entrepreneur just starting a company? Find a quality graphic designer to create a logo to your specifications. Are you looking to grow your business online? Hire an internet marketer to improve traffic from SEO and Facebook. Don't have a website or mobile app? Not a problem, we have thousands of web developers waiting to hear from you. Freelancer.sg accelerates your businesses growth by giving you the talent you need when you need it. Once you get new customers rolling in, you can even hire customer support or a virtual personal assistant to simplify your life without the risky overhead and cost of hiring full-time staff. From beginning to end, Freelancer.sg makes it easy to hire freelancers and find freelance jobs online. Hire Freelancers & Find Freelance Jobs Online - Freelancer.sg

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